Game Society Pimps Wiki
There are no exploding barrels in this level

"There are no exploding barrels in this level" is a running gag that originated in Aaron Yonda's gameplay commentary of History Channel's History Civil War: Secret Missions, part of the Angry Hunter series.

The infamous level starts as Aaron finds himself reading "There are no exploding barrels in this level" during a loading screen / cut-screen. He sarcastically highlighted the existence of the warning text but carries on playing the civil war themed level. In one of the warehouses on the level, Aaron discovers a blinking red barrel and a prompt to "Press Y to destroy warehouse," along side it. Adam warns that the barrel may detonate but Aaron remains skeptical since he trusts that "there are no exploding barrels." The barrel explodes and the game over screen is displayed.

Since, the events of this incident have been referenced many times by the Game Society.


Description Link with timestamp
History Civil War: Secret Missions - "There are no exploding barrels in this level." Link
History Civil War: Secret Missions - Aaron finds an exploding barrel in the level. Link
Evil Within 2 Link
PUBG Live Show Link

See also[]
